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The Air Quality Committee's mission is to keep our members current on legal 发展s related to air quality. Current regulatory efforts related to greenhouse gases are within the scope of the committee's mission, 以及其他与空气污染有关的政府活动. 我们的目标是通过创造高品质来做到这一点, 通过研讨会和论坛提供原创节目,鼓励该领域有才华的从业者交流思想和最佳实践. We hope this programming will attract new members to the section as well. We will also work with the 环境、能源和自然资源 (EENR) Section Steering Committee to promote the section's other events and activities.

The Animal Law Committee's mission is to inform our members about current legal 发展s in the growing field of animal law. This includes recent case law; statutory and regulatory 发展s impacting animals on the federal, 状态, and local levels; and new initiatives to advance the protection of animals including wildlife, 圈养动物, 农场动物, 娱乐中的动物. We partner with other animal law groups and develop original programming to educate interested D.C. 在动物法的许多方面以及动物法和环境法的其他方面之间出现的交叉点的澳门赌场官网.

能源对我们的生活方式和经济至关重要. At no other point in time has this topic dominated the headlines more than it does today. Traditional fuels will continue to be the nation's principal energy resources for the foreseeable future, while becoming gradually diversified through new sources and technology. Renewable energy is also rapidly becoming a significant component of the nation's energy portfolio. 随着人们对经济的关注,传统能源和可再生能源发展对环境的影响之间的相互作用越来越明显, 气候变化, 物种的影响促使许多联邦政府, 状态, 以及地方能源政策. 能源 发展 also presents many other unsettled legal issues whether on 状态, 部落, 私人, 或陆上或海上联邦管理的土地.

The EENR Section 能源事务常务委员会 is committed to providing programs and training on all aspects of energy 政策, 监管, 发展, andlitigation. 委员会的项目吸引了能源和环境法各个领域的领导者和实践者的积极兴趣和贡献, 包括政府, 行业, 公民团体, 和学术界. 作为EENR科的核心委员会, 这些程序经常会交叉, 并提供共同赞助的机会, 与本科内外其他领域的实践相结合.

The Indian Law Committee's mission is to keep our memberscurrent on legal 发展s related to Indian law and related issues. 印度法律经常引发复杂的宪法问题, 联邦法规和条约, 以及联邦普通法.The committee's areas of interest include issues involving the scope of Tribal authority and jurisdiction; the legal authorities of the Department of the Interior; issues of Tribal resource andenergy 发展; and a wide range of related issues. 我们力求为印度法律专家和在实践过程中可能遇到这些问题的非专业人士提供有关当前问题的课程.

保护全球环境资源和解决污染问题的全球影响的需要带来了各种国际和国内法律挑战,这些挑战将由常务委员会探讨. 保护和负责任地使用海洋和海洋资源是与海洋法有关的国内和国际问题, 航运, 渔业, 以及强制执行环境义务的司法管辖权. 跨界污染, 气候变化, 外来入侵物种, 生物多样性和其他全球影响带来了新的挑战. 环境al concerns impactmany aspects of import/export and international trade, such as prohibitions on use of certain chemicals and illegal sale of endangered species. 有机会就以财政奖励办法解决环境问题的创新国际倡议进行法律讨论和分析, 比如排放交易和碳封存.International environmental efforts also have provided new business 发展 and growth opportunities in emerging industries. The mission of the International 环境al and Resources Law Committee is to provide opportunities for 教育, 讨论和交流有关美国的意见.S. 国内法律要求和国际合作努力正在解决这些以及其他环境和资源保护问题. 委员会打算探讨国际公法的各个方面, 政府项目, 私人的国际努力和与国际努力有关的法律挑战,以实现这些和其他环境目标.

陆上和外大陆架上的公共土地是一种日益重要的资源,主要由内政部和农业部下属的美国农业部负责管理.S. 林务局. The multiple uses of the public lands are vital to the economies of the coastal and western 状态s, 以及包括能源和矿产开发商在内的各种用户, 食草动物, 木材的利益, 还有那些依靠公共土地来娱乐的人. 这些用途也涉及到物种问题. 由于多种用途的交叉或对公共土地资源的紧张, environmental considerations and other natural resource policies are often vigorously debated.

EENR公共土地常务委员会致力于在公共土地政策的各个方面提供项目和培训, 监管, 发展, 和诉讼. The committee's programs draw active interest and contributions from leaders and practitioners in all areas of energy, 土地使用, 环境法, 包括政府, 行业, 公民团体, 和学术界. 这些程序经常会交叉, 并提供共同赞助的机会, 与本科内外其他领域的实践相结合.

过去工业活动的遗产对广泛的利益相关者-社区成员具有现在和未来的影响, 政府官员, 科学家和学者, 私营企业, 以及非政府组织. The management and final remediation of contaminated sites must take into account a complex set of scientific, 工程, 政策, 以及法律问题, 所有这些都随着时间的推移而动态发展, 在这种情况下,受影响的利益相关者在如何最好地处理这些站点方面往往既有共同的利益,也有相互冲突的利益. 许多D.C. 酒吧 members work directly with these issues every day: advising communities and NGOs advocating action or monitoring ongoing cleanups; advising the government on 政策 and enforcement issues; or advising 私营企业 on dealing with contaminated sites and managing risk.

哥伦比亚特区的澳门赌场官网环境, 能源, and Natural Resources Section is a forum whose membership encompasses the full range of stakeholders affected by these issues, 代表了场地修复和环境责任的广泛观点,并为教育提供了独特的环境, 讨论, 和协作. The mission of the Committee on Remediation and 环境al Liability is to provide 教育 to D.C. 酒吧 members and facilitate 讨论 among both members and stakeholders outside the bar regarding the law, 政策, 以及环境清理科学.

EENR可持续发展常设委员会的任务是提供方案,探索公共和私人领域的可持续发展. 我们将“可持续性”广义地定义为使经济与地球及其自然系统有限的生产和再生能力相一致的努力, and consider this concept to extend beyond the regime of federal environmental statutes and 监管s. 因此, 可持续性的定义除了社会正义之外,还包括环境和经济可持续性的两个“支柱”. If one pillar is weak then the system as a whole is ultimately unsustainable.

While compliance with environmental statutes and 监管sis a basic requirement, sustainability efforts have implications for many other areas of law and 监管, 包括分区和规划, 反垄断, 金融监管, 消费者保护, 劳动, 保险, 还有国际法. 该委员会提供了探索联邦法律的机会, 状态, 以及当地交通等方面的发展, 教育, 粮食和农业, as well as 私人 sector efforts like corporate social responsibility, 标签, 以及产品管理.

环境al sustainability is an ever-growing priority not only for committed environmentalists but also for consumers, 企业, 以及当地社区. 州和地方政府——包括马里兰州, 维吉尼亚州, and the District of Columbia — are making important strides in building livable communities, 减少改变气候的污染, 支持可持续农业. 重要的是,州和地方政府越来越认识到将可持续发展教育纳入课堂的必要性,这样今天的学生不仅可以为自己的福祉做出明智的决定,而且还可以为地球和所有居民的福祉做出明智的决定.

除了, 许多受管制实体认识到有必要超越法律的要求,更广泛地考虑其活动对自然资源的影响, 人类健康, 还有环境. 企业正在开发复杂的工具,以了解其活动和供应链对环境和人类的影响, 并将这些数据纳入他们的决策中.

由于联邦立法不作为成为常态——自1990年以来,国会没有颁布或实质性修改过任何重大的污染控制法规——自愿协议, 行业标准, and 状态 and local actions will remain important avenues for advancing sustainability in the United States. 委员会将探讨这些工作,以及这些工作与主要环境法例制度和其他实务范畴的关系.

有大量的联邦和州法律来管理, 保护, 调节, 调查和投资使用, 发展, 保护国家的水资源.

认识到获得和维持质量适当的可靠供水是全国日益关注的问题, EENR水质和水资源常设委员会旨在提供有关影响水质和水资源的法律各方面的计划和培训. This includes an exploration of various federal authorities relating to water quality and water management, 包括1899年的《河流和港口法案, 清洁水法, 以及《安全饮用水法. These various authorities have been subject to much administrative and judicial litigation, 包括通过公民诉讼由第三方使用, 以及联邦和地方监管机构和执法机构.


(1) provide informationto members of the bar and the public on the background, 发展s and current issues on implementation of the federal Clean Water Act 以及《安全饮用水法, 联邦水资源开发法规, 关于东部和西部水资源的联邦法律, 并提出立法和规则制定方面的改革建议, primarily through seminars and programs focusing on key issues and key officials;

(2) present programs on issues related to water management and the provision of water for municipal, 工业, 农业和其他用途;

(3) explore areas where water issues intersect with other areas of law, 包括能源, 土地使用, 和气候, seeking opportunities for co-sponsorship of events with other committees, 部分, or organizations in the area; and

(4) develop proposed position 状态ments, as appropriate, on issues for consideration by the bar.
